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Blood drive hits campus

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Today, the American Red Cross is sponsoring one of four yearly blood drives at Portland State University and is still accepting donors.

Franzi Herman, student health nurse for Student Health Services, emphasized the importance of donating blood.

“There’s a huge need,” she said. “Every pint saves four lives.”

A crumpled sign-up sheet issued by the Red Cross echoed Herman’s sentiment, reading, “Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs a blood transfusion.”

Herman praised those who give their time to donate blood for the drive.

“They’re saving lives,” she said. “And that gives some one else another day in the sun.”

Herman said though it is too late to pre-register for the drive, students may still show up to give blood. She said that even though the blood drawing process may only take a few minutes, donors should set aside an hour of their time as the screening process can often be time consuming.

The blood drive will run from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Smith Memorial Center third-floor ballroom.

Herman said that students planning to give blood should drink healthful amounts of liquids and eat regular meals to help replace lost blood and to prevent low blood pressure. Substances to stay away from include coffee, tea, hamburgers, ice cream and other fatty foods.

Those who are not able to donate today but wish to donate in the future can call the American Red Cross at 1-800-448-3543.

* American Red Cross Pacific Regional Blood Services must collect 5,000 pints of blood weekly to meet patient needs.

* Sixty percent of the U.S. population is eligible to donate blood, yet only 5 percent of those actually donate.

* In the United States, one out of 10 hospital patients receives a blood transfusion – one patient every two seconds.

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