Voyage through the Hawaiian islands in celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. The Pacific Islanders Club has organized its annual Lu’au event for all Portland State students to enjoy…
Portland Cello Project plays to packed house at the Old Church
If you’ve never experienced a live virtuoso cello concert, you’ve never known the warm sorrow and deep satisfaction the instrument evokes with its range and emotive resonance. Portland Cello Project,…
Event listings for May 11-15
Featured Event NW Animation Fest! Portland Venues: Hollywood Theater, The Magnolia Fee: $60 (all festival pass) If you really need a reason to come and play in the animation sandbox,…
Horoscopes for the week of 5/8
From Mystic J; Permanent resident of Room 1313, Hollywood Tower Hotel. Aries (March 21–April 19) You cannot avoid modernity. Though you look to the past for answers and the future…
Students campaign for neuroscience studies
Our every thought and emotion resides within the brain, encompassing the sum of our intellectual capabilities, yet there is still much to learn about this complex organ. The Campaign for…
Portland artist reimagines VHS covers of over 300 movies
Over the years, Portland-based sketch artist Tim Goodyear has drawn over 300 movie reviews in the old style of VHS covers. What originally began as a hobby in which Goodyear…
Event listings for May 4-8
Featured Event PSU STAGE Presents…Spring Showcase Auditions Lincoln Hall Studio Theater May 3-6 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. I know you’re out there. I can hear you in the hall…
Horoscopes for the week of 5/1
From Mystic J; Permanent resident of Room 1313, Hollywood Tower Hotel. Aries (March 21-April 19) People might tell you that history is against you and that you can’t accomplish your…
Cultural Competency Symposium examines diversity and inclusivity
On Tuesday, May 10, the Diversity Action Council in partnership with the Office of Global Diversity and Inclusion will host the second annual Cultural Competency Symposium. It’s the culmination of…
Advice for filmmakers: Frederick Wiseman on controversy and inspiration
Filmmakers need to remain open to influence from more media than just movies, advised veteran documentarian Frederick Wiseman during a screening of his 1967 film, Titicut Follies, an event co-presented…
Horoscopes for the week of 5/15
From Mystic J; Permanent resident of Room 1313, Hollywood Tower Hotel. Aries (March 21-April 19) Nothing can be held on to forever. Whether it be good looks, fame or talent,…