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Events Calendar Feb.9-15

FREE FLU SHOTS AND COVID TESTING PCC Cascade Campus 11 a.m.–6 p.m. Free Ongoing through March 31   Uninsured and BIPOC folks are prioritized for free flu shots and COVID-19…

Teleparty to the rescue

Receiving a request to Netflix and chill can raise some serious red flags. Or, sometimes, it can be a welcome and exciting opportunity to spend some quality time together—wink, wink—especially…

PSU Vanguard Shield Icon

Events Calendar Feb. 2-5

NATIONAL TATER TOT DAY McMenamins 7 a.m.–11 p.m. $15   McMenamins and its reliable chain of Portland pubs is honoring “National Tater Tot Day” with discounts on cajun tots and…

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Filling the void

Portland has a reputation for being a vibrant breeding ground for up-and-coming talented musicians. The city’s unique culture is fueled by a thriving local scene that has produced some of…

Chess is king

When I saw The Queen’s Gambit for the first time, it was obvious that Netflix had struck gold. What I never expected was how the show would lead to a…

Beyond houselessness

According to research compiled by the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness, Oregon had an estimated 1,590 people aged 18–24 experiencing houselessness as of January 2019. This is troubling, considering…