Portland State students walked out of class Wednesday, March 14 to take part in a nationwide student-led protest for gun reform and to honor those killed in the Marjory Stoneman…
Administration and Graduate Employees Union reach contract agreement
After a tense bargaining process and mediation, the Portland State administration came to a tentative contract agreement with the newly-certified Graduate Employees Union after 2 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 16. The…
PSU’s Littman and White artist goes viral
Michael James Schneider has gone viral one week before his March 8 opening reception and gallery debut ‘notification’ at Portland State’s Littman + White Galleries. Originally posted to Instagram on…
State investigating canvassers caught misleading PSU students
The Oregon Secretary of State is investigating a petitioning and political consulting firm after a Portland State student caught canvassers misleading other students into signing a petition that would put…
HSKA rings in Lunar New Year with a laugh
Happy Lunar New Year! Portland State’s Hong Kong Student Association held a lively Lunar New Year Show on Feb. 16 in Smith Memorial Student Union. The event attracted nearly 280…
Growing up behind bars
Researchers argue Oregon’s justice system has one of the harshest juvenile sentencing processes in the country, incarcerating youth at a higher rate than 47 states at more than one and…
Mental health author discusses turning around self-destructive behaviors
Portland State welcomed Sabrina Chap, a Brooklyn-based author, musician and performer, to speak about her anthology Live Through This: On Creativity and Self-Destruction Friday, Feb. 23. Chap presented to a…
Kjerstin Johnson: The writer next door
Kjerstin Johnson: Editor, Writer & PSU English adjunct professor An exceptional writer walks the halls of Portland State. While humbly eschewing recognition, she works tirelessly to help students succeed in…
Student government to donate space to students with disabilities
Smith Advisory Board approved the Portland State Disability Resource Center proposal on Jan. 22 to turn a portion of the student government office into a new community space for students…
Disability Alliance group forms out of need for support
Portland State students formed a new alliance and advocacy group for students and community members with disabilities. The Disability Alliance organized after the Disability Resource Center in Smith Memorial Student…
Ex-google employee visits campus, community responds
Former Google engineer James Damore, known for his controversial diversity memo, joined students from Freethinkers of Portland State and Assistant Professor of Philosophy Dr. Peter Boghossian in a Feb. 17…