On Thursday, April 13, the Women’s Resource Center at Portland State is hosting“Take Back The Night”, which, according to the WRC, “brings awareness to issues of sexual violence in our…
DACA: Know your rights
On Thursday, April 6, Student Legal Services gave a presentation titled “DACA: Know Your Rights,” aimed at providing insight for immigrants and anyone with questions about how to engage with…
PSAS tested, NASA approved
Portland State Aerospace Society announced a major milestone on March 6 after receiving approval from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for its CubeStat Launch Initiative titled, “The Oregon Satellite…
ASPSU Vice President Verret resigns after ‘honor and privilege’ of serving
Associated Students of Portland State University Vice President Kaitlyn Verret resigned this evening, just one day after the resignation of Student-Body President Liela Forbes. Her resignation came during a Wednesday…
ASPSU president resigns
Associated Students of Portland State University President Liela Forbes has resigned. In an emailed statement just released to the student body, Forbes announced they would be stepping down for their…
Elvis Depressedly headlines KPSU concert
Portland State’s KPSU college radio hosted a lo-fi music event featuring Erik Phillips, Boreen, Clovver and the headliner act, Elvis Depressedly, on March 22, 2017.
When survivors become heroes
Editor’s Note: This article discusses a survivor’s account of sexual assault and violence that may be triggering to some readers. Portland State’s Women’s Resource Center provides support and information for members of the…
Free speech or hate speech? Civil rights lawyer speaks at PSU
When Joe Cohn, legislative and policy director of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, brought his dialogue concerning free speech on college campuses to Portland State on March 18,…
Smash Bros gaming tournament draws 200 to PSU
Portland State hosted SmashNest v14, a competitive Super Smash Bros. gaming tournament, on March 25. SmashNest was organized by Cascadia Associated Collective of Aspiring Winners, or CACAW Gaming, a competitive smash…
ASPSU Senate Update: PSU Senate abandons constitution changes, elects new chair
The Associated Students of PSU Senate meeting on March 20 went quite differently than previously anticipated. Initially, the meeting agenda was scheduled to entertain a vote to change the ASPSU…
PSU professor goes to space?
Portland State professor Dr. Evan Thomas has been selected as one of 32 final candidates for two astronaut positions at the Canadian Space Agency. Thomas was an aerospace engineer at the…