Before sunrise and less than 24 hours before Village of Hope was forced to vacate, activists gathered at the houseless community Thursday, Feb. 1, to protest the camp’s impending eviction….
Keeping hope alive: The celebration
Village of Hope, Portland’s newest self-managed houseless community, opened and shut within five days this week. Nestled inside a thicket of trees and meandering trails along the Columbia River Slough…
Send your valentine a message for VG’s Love & Sex Guide 2018
SFC budget for 2019 to be revised
The Associated Students of Portland State University did not approve the Student Fee Committee’s 2018–19 budget proposal during a senate meeting Monday, Jan. 22. ASPSU senate asked the SFC to…
No justice without racial justice
Portland State alumna Walidah Imarisha spoke at “Living the Legacy: Afrofuturism and Possibilities for Oregon” Monday, Jan. 22. PSU’s Global Diversity and Inclusion department hosted the event as part of an annual Dr….
Burgerville Workers Union pickets for higher wages, better conditions
What’s outrageous? Burgerville wages. What’s disgusting? Union busting. -Burgerville Workers Union demonstrators “What’s outrageous? Burgerville wages. What’s disgusting? Union Busting,”Burgerville Workers Union members and supporters picketed on Jan. 24…
Walidah Imarisha returns home to PSU
Portland State alumna Walidah Imarisha spoke at “Living the Legacy: Afrofuturism and Possibilities for Oregon” Monday, Jan. 22. PSU’s Global Diversity and Inclusion department hosted the event as part of…
Hill to the ‘hall Jan. 16-22
Blame for shutdown becomes more pointed Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) addressed the shutdown impasse by claiming the White House was muzzling action by Congress, specifically saying, “As long as [senior…
Correction to ‘Marginalized over minority voices’
In November 2017, then-President of Portland State University Pro-Life emailed Portland State Vanguard asking for a correction to its Oct. 30, 2017, story “Marginalized over minority voices: ASPSU leaders draw…
Deceased PSU student found near Parking Structure One
Authorities have confirmed that a deceased person found on campus early Monday morning was a Portland State student. The Oregon Medical Examiner’s Office is investigating the death as a suicide….
Second annual Women’s March highlights #MeToo Movement
Click on the images to view. Over 200 protesters and activists spoke out against sexual assault during the #MeToo Speakout and March hosted by Socialist Alternative Portland Saturday, Jan. 20….