Polar bears are starving

A  video surfaced of a malnourished polar bear roaming iceless land, scavenging for food. With increasing carbon emissions and greenhouse gases, the planet’s climate is changing. As temperatures rise, ice…

Corbyn’s game of dominos

In unprecedented fashion, international political possibility has shifted toward the left. Jeremy Corbyn’s rise in the Labour Party resulted in a domino effect of radical political opportunity across Europe. The…

The game (r)evolution

Video games find themselves in an odd place today. With the exception of a few well-recieved games like “Super Mario Odyssey,” “For Honor,” “Breath of the Wild” and “Horizon Zero…

Cat declawing is inhumane

Look down at your hands. Imagine if the part of your finger above the knuckle disappeared. What tasks could you perform? How would this limit you? Could you live the…

The Cape in catastrophe

Cape Town, South Africa is running out of water. Due to the last three years’ unseasonably dry winters, the coastal city is in the midst of one of the worst…

Desensitization by design

The fact that school shooting is a publicly understood classification of violence speaks to the familiarity the American population has with the events that occurred in Florida Feb. 14, 2018….