As we transition from fall to winter, snow has already hit Seattle, and colder than average weather is predicted for the Pacific Northwest throughout the 2017–18 winter. We expect to…
A sanctuary campus must abolish houselessness
Being a sanctuary campus does not mean merely washing hands of direct involvement in Immigration and Customs Enforcement activity. It means providing a safe space for everyone in the community…
Despite Trumpfoolery, Congress must pass DREAMers Act
It’s been nearly three months since President Donald Trump announced he would repeal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. This action lead to many protests but no progress. Contention is high…
Food justice and the case for mutual aid
The holidays are just around the corner, and with them turkeys, tofurkeys, and hopefully genuine appreciation of one another. In times of acute need, when intervention by the state is…
Give wisely this holiday season
In the wake of a season of natural disasters, 2017 has already been a year of charitable giving. Charities raised more than $350 million nationwide in the three weeks following…
First Nations and Thanksgiving: Struggling to give thanks
Despite having many fond memories of celebrating a holiday centered around gratitude and togetherness, Thanksgiving no longer has the same charm of my childhood. Growing up, we learned about Native…
Ask Jessandra: Carin’ Karen
Dear Jessandra, One of my best friends is polyamorous. She has one partner who is super sweet and nice to her all the time and another who is over-controlling and…
Introducing new column: ASPSU Speaks
Chloe Friedlein, ASPSU Publicity and Design Director Hey PSU! My name is Chloe. I’m the Associated Students of Portland State’s Publicity and Design Director for the 2017–18 academic year. I…
You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows
Submitted by Camilo Abreu, Portland State Student & International Socialist Organization member Recently a Portland State Vanguard article “Socialism: You say you want a revolution” posed a fantastic question. Are those…
Ask Jessandra
Dear Jessandra, Modern society is too complex. I want to be a responsible and engaged citizen, but I don’t feel like I’ll ever understand enough about politics and history to…
White men can be terrorists too
It’s time to acknowledge and identify the repetitive profile of mass shooters in the United States Sandy Hook, Charleston, Las Vegas, Umpqua, Sutherland Springs, and so on. The emotional wounds…