With the revolving door of pundits and figures who are metaphorically shooting themselves in the foot, I have to wonder—can the swamp drain itself? “Drain the swamp”—a political term making…
How palm oil destroys the planet
Look on the packaging of your food. Under ingredients you might find palm oil. It may seem harmless. In fact, you may never think about it again, but this mentality…
In response to ‘Fired for reporting the truth’
On May 12, National Review published a piece written by former Vanguard Multimedia Editor Andy Ngo entitled “Fired for reporting the truth.” Ngo describes events surrounding the Vanguard’s decision to…
It’s the vegan weekend, baby
It’s late. You’re drunk. You’re vegan. Here’s some of the best vegan-friendly bar stops you should know about! Less harm, less guilt. More yum, more fun. $ —Each item is…
PMS: Perpetuating Menstrual Stigmas
I remember first reaching the mark of “womanhood” two days before my teenage years began. Maturation movies in elementary school had provided us useless insight to what having a period would…
Hangover begone!
I’m sure most of you reading this are college students, and sometimes you like to dabble in a little casual (or not so casual) drinking. Drinking can be fun and…
Desensitized to demonstrations: Are we in an era of protest fatigue?
According to the First Amendment, as citizens of the United States we have the right to protest peacefully. Public demonstrations have become a fairly common occurrence over the last few…
Uncomfortably advanced tech
It’s an afternoon in early April, and I’m reading a story about workers in Sweden implanting microchips into their bodies. The story itself isn’t as sinister as it sounds—Sweden’s work environments…
Our tuition just went up by 9 percent: Could we have prevented it?
Portland State’s Board of Trustees just voted to increase in-state tuition by nine percent. Across the state tuition is rising. University of Oregon boosted its tuition rates by more than ten…
The fragility of a 7,000 pound bull
In a press release dated Wednesday, April 12, the artist of Wall Street’s Charging Bull, Arturo Di Modica, announced his intention to file suit against the investment firm that commissioned the…
A message to ASPSU hopefuls and the students who vote for them
Year after year, the Vanguard emphasizes the Associated Students of Portland State University elections and the work ASPSU does throughout the year following the elections. Students may ask, “Who is…