The term is over halfway over. Summer registration has begun and some classes are already filled. There’s a table in the Park Blocks looking for student employees for summer. So…
‘Welcome to Me’
If you haven’t heard, Kristen Wiig came out with a new film called Welcome to Me, where she plays a woman with borderline personality disorder who wins the lottery. And…
There are no cheap luxuries
A recent New York Times article about manicure technicians and the awful working conditions they deal with has made the rounds, and people are shocked at the things that happen…
Obama knows how to keep Portland weird
The language of the “educated”
My least favorite word is zeitgeist, which came to English directly from German and roughly translates to “the spirit of the time.” Maybe it’s because the word never comes up…
Your gender shouldn’t define your actions
As I sit here scrolling through my Facebook feed, I encounter some of the most intriguing—and argument-stimulating—posts. What I’m noticing about a majority of these posts and shares is that…
Prices are up, attendance is down
It’s hard to be in the movie theater business nowadays. With the rise of streaming sites like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon, many people today are deciding to stay home when…
State politics have larger impact at home than national politics
People, myself included, have already started shifting their focus and rampant speculation to the presidential elections, even though it’s only May of 2015. As big and entertaining as presidential races…
No justice, no peace
Fight the habit
How do you use technology? And how does technology itself use you? These are some of the many questions that has been circulating through my mind about our usage of…
The new F-word
There are so many connotations surrounding the word feminist. I’ve been accused of being many different things when I say that I’m a feminist. I’ve been told that I’m a…