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Editor Pick of the Week: Deadpool

20th Century Fox/2016

I absolutely love seeing Marvel/DC movies, my favorite is X-men or Batman. But I wasn’t too thrilled to see Deadpool. One, because it looked like too much of a corny comedy to be a good super-hero action movie, and two, because despite Ryan Reynolds’s gorgeous physique, he flat-out sucked in Green Lantern.

But after Deadpool grossed $163 million in less than a week—topping my favorites by a landslide—and everyone and their dog was telling me to go see it, I convened and dragged myself on over to Cinetopia. And holy shit, I’m so glad that I did.

Deadpool was not only hilarious–and not your cheesy comic book humor either–but it had the drama elements I expect from a super-hero movie, too. But mostly, hilarious. Yes, for the most part I think super-hero movies should be light on the humor and heavy on the action and drama but director Tim Miller meshed the raunchy with the surprising with the unequivocal wit to create a comedic tri-fecta that kept me genuinely laughing the entire time; the best parts where when Deadpool crossed the fourth wall, which happened many times.

Although I’m sure Miller deserves most of the credit, Reynolds does an incredible job captivating the audience with his quick and clever lines that brilliantly encompass the sharply shrewd character of Deadpool.

If you’re an idiot like I was and still haven’t seen Deadpool for whatever reason, chuck that reason out the window and head straight to a theater to redeem yourself! Do not wait for Redbox on this one.

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