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Events for the week of Oct. 19–23

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Featured Event
Pop Culture Trivia Bowl
Wednesday, Oct. 19
Smith Memorial Student Union 238
6 p.m.
Do you often suspect that you and your friends are the smartest ones in the room? Do you just plain know more than other people? When you suggest playing Trivial Pursuit or one of those Scene It games, do people run screaming from the room while you have a victoriously triumphant smirk upon your face? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then the Portland State STAGE Pop Culture Trivia Bowl is for you! Compete on your lonesome or compete as a team of three to win one of two normal Jeopardy-style rounds, and then compete by yourself in the amazing super lightning bonus round. Each round includes a gift card prize, and food will be provided by PSU STAGE to keep your spirits high and your IQ higher. The categories are film, TV, song lyrics and the history of everything.

Hannibal Buress
Wednesday, Oct. 19 and Thursday, Oct. 20
Aladdin Theater
8 p.m.
Fee: $28–30
If you love the stand-up of Hannibal Buress, you won’t be disappointed by his Hannibal Montanabal Experience, which is the pinnacle of his hilarious career thus far.

Block Printing Workshop
Wednesday, Oct. 19
Beech Street Parlor
6:30–9 p.m.
Fee: $42
Come to this hands-on workshop with any skill level and leave with a printing block of your very own that will allow you to replicate what you’ve learned anywhere. This craft workshop is hosted by Assembly: gather+create.

Klamath Independent Film Festival Best Of Program
Thursday, Oct. 20
Whitsell Auditorium
7 p.m.
Fee: $9
Featuring the best of the Southern Cali/Northern Oregon filmmaking set, this year’s best of includes a comic masochist looking for love, a feature about an introvert and an extrovert on the same park bench and a bevy of short films. Films will be introduced by President Robin Smith.

Ian Harvie Comedy Special
Thursday, Oct. 20
Revolution Hall
7 p.m.
The first successful female-to-male trans professional comedian is debuting their one hour stand-up comedy special right at Revolution Hall. This free event will celebrate Ian’s accomplishment and wit and leave you out of breath with laughter.

Disney on Ice Presents Worlds of Enchantment
Friday, Oct. 21
Moda Center
7 p.m.
Fee: $23+
Make sure you bring some extra cash for souvenirs, and if you can’t make it on Friday, this event runs all weekend long. The artistry and skill of ice skating marries perfectly with the Disney mythology of princesses, talking cars and the thirst for imaginative perfection. If you only see one show this year that features both a depressed ice queen and a talking car, make it this one.

Halloween Honey Treat Workshop: No Bake Pumpkin Spice Cookies
Friday, Oct. 21
Bee Thinking
4–5 p.m.
Fee: $12
If you’re looking for yet another sweet to distract you from those evil and never-ending bags of fun-size Halloween goodies, nutritionist Hillary Bergh will make your evening and give you a delightful recipe you can recreate on your own.

LGBTQ+ Bike Mechanic Basics
Saturday, Oct. 22
PSU Bike Hub
Noon–1 p.m.
This event is a safe space for any novice or experienced queer biker looking to ask maintenance questions. Basic maintenance is offered, but their expertise is unrivaled, so they may have an answer for even your harder questions.

They Live Digital Screening
Friday, Oct. 21–Sunday, Oct. 23
5th Ave. Cinema
9:15 p.m. Friday & Saturday, 5:15 p.m. Sunday
Free for Students
Imagine a world in which all the rich people are actually evil alien overlords wearing masks, and that you had to wear a pair of sunglasses to see through their disguise and mass media trickery. Now imagine this was set in the era of feathered hair and that the hero was a Duke Nukem-style blond bad boy. John Carpenter’s most political horror film to date certainly sounds exciting and might actually be a little too on the nose.

Run Like Hell Half Marathon
Sunday, Oct. 23
SW Broadway & SW Taylor
7:45 a.m.
Fee: $8–89
This spooky and festive Halloween tradition invites you to get dressed in your best costume and run anything from a half marathon to a kid’s half mile fun run. There will be plenty to help you get into the spirit and a post-race party that’ll raise the dead.

Used Book Sale
Saturday, Oct. 22 and Sunday, Oct. 23
Lloyd Center Double Tree Exhibit Hall
9 a.m.–9 p.m. Saturday; 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Sunday
Take the Max out to the Lloyd Center and swing by the Double Tree for an exhibit hall swimming with gently used books, sheet music, comics, pamphlets and basically the start of your book-themed episode of Hoarders. This semi-annual event always seems to sneak up on the local bookworms.

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