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Letter to the Editor

Dear editor:


As a 1971 [Portland State] alum who was involved in organizing peaceful campus protests against the Vietnam War and was attacked and injured by the Portland police on May 11, 1970 in the [South] Park Blocks, I would like to ask current PSU students to please remain nonviolent and respectful towards others who may not share your views. The level of student vs student rage on many American campuses today have become dangerous and will have long-lasting negative consequences.


[In a] Kent State University Archives phone interview I participated in on [Jan. 18, 2023], I spoke about how the 13 students who were shot by the Ohio National Guard, with 4 students dead, is an example of what can happen when protests become out of control and the authorities over-react. I hope what can be learned from this discussion of the tragic events of 54 years ago might be a useful lesson for today’s protesters.

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