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Miracle Theater premiers play about life of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo

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Frida, un Retablo
Miracle Theater
525 S.E. Stark
Jan. 18, 19, 25 and 26
All shows begin at 8 p.m.
Admission $12

Starting this Friday The Miracle Theater will present a traveling production of “Frida, un Retablo,” the story of one of Mexico’s most acclaimed artists. The painter’s life and art are explored in this surrealistic play.

Kahlo was born a Mestizo of European and Mexican parents and painted over 200 self-portraits throughout her life. Her bird-wing eyebrows and dark hair marked the painter’s distinctive style.

As a young girl Kahlo was in a bus accident that injured her spine, abdomen, pelvis and right foot. Living with constant pain, the artist focused her work around the physical and emotional pain that she endured her entire life. Her work depicts a very personal journey through the sometimes tormented state of her life.

The production “Frida, un Retablo” is presented by Teatro Milagro. Ina Strauss portrays Frida Kahlo and Omar Vargas portrays her husband, celebrated muralist Diego Rivera. Danel Malan and her daughter, Maya Linda Malan-Gonzalez, portray the old and young Kahlo, respectively.

Miracle Theater group is the largest Hispanic arts and culture organization in the Northwest. Teatro Milagro, the bilingual touring company of the Miracle Theater, has toured throughout the western states, Mexico and Canada for over six years. The group presents original Latino plays about important global issues.

The traveling production will begin in Portland Jan. 18, 19, 25 and 26, and then tour through the western states.

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