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Moving the Money

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On October 31, the Students for Unity Group invaded the park blocks to help get the word out about the group and the goals of the group.

Student for Unity advocates for racial, social and economic justice on campus and in the community.

Several volunteers form Students for Unity dressed in sandwich boards reading, “Moving the Money” on Halloween.

Angi Cesario, events coordinator for Students for Unity, said that her organization wants to help ensure that Portland State Funds are used in socially responsible investments.

The group has requested the investment portfolio of the Portland State University Foundation to find out where the money is being invested.

Since the PSU Foundation is a nonprofit, their financial records are not for public disclosure.

“We feel as students we have a right to know where our money is,” Cesario said.

The PSU Foundation is an independent organization that raises and manages money on behalf of Portland State Univeristy.

On November 28, the PSU Foundation will have its first board meeting of the year. The Students for Unity was to ensure that that they are on the agenda for that meeting.

If the Students for Unity are on the agenda, then there are three questions that they want to ask the PSU Foundation.

The first request is to ask that the PSU Foundation invests one percent of their total investment portfolio go into community development banks.

The hope is if a certain percentage of money goes into the community development banks, it helps the community and takes the money away from the corporations.

Cesario said that Students for Unity want to ensure that Portland State student are serving the needs of the community.

The second request from the Students for Unity would be that there is students, faculty and staff representation on the PSU Foundation boardStudents for Unity are pushing the PSU Foundation to have a long term objective of being socially responsible.

The goal of the Students for Unity is to get enough signatures from students, faculty and staff to show the support of the university for this cause.

The Students for Unity are trying to recruit and get petitions signed.

There will be a series of information sessions until the day of the PSU Foundation board meeting.

Students for Unity have weekly meetings in Smith Memorial Center, Room 225, every Thursday from 4-5:30 p.m. Or if you want more information about the group call 503-725-8777 or email at The group also encourages people to stop by their office in the subbasement of Smith Memorial Center.

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