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On-campus study spots

Katie Pearce/PSU Vanguard

Sometimes studying at home just doesn’t cut it. Maybe you need some sunshine, or maybe your roommate is practicing his drums and you need to get the hell out of there, or maybe you’re looking for some light background chatter and music. Whichever the case, Portland State offers a variety of study spots. From coffee shops and picnics to computer labs and open spaces, check out these seven on-campus places to study.

Branford Price Millar Library

For a quiet study session, there’s no better place than Millar Library. With study spaces, quiet floors and reserved study rooms, you can’t go wrong.

The 3rd floor of the library is best for group study sessions where you can hold open discussions. You’ll also find semi-comfy chairs and furniture.

For complete quiet, you’ll want to go to the basement or the 4th or 5th floors.

Student food court booths

The student food courts located on the ground floor of Smith Memorial Student Union are not just for eating. If you’re looking for a place where you can drink coffee, eat lunch and study while enjoying background noise from your fellow students, then the large booths located in the food court may be the right study spot for you.

The food courts are currently under renovation but will reopen at the beginning of fall quarter.


This one is kind of obvious. Studying at Starbucks while drinking a coffee is a usual occurrence. Since there are two Starbucks on campus, one is more of a space for socializing and the other is for studying. The Starbucks in Urban Plaza by Campus Recreation is not the one for studying because there’s too much background noise: urban city chatter, frequent crowds of people, and streetcars and MAX trains. However, the other Starbucks located by the Park Blocks is much quieter and offers a little more study space. There’s also a patio with outdoor seating.

Park Blocks

If you want some sunshine without the coffee shop or extra quiet, grab a blanket and your books and head to the Park Blocks located in the center of campus. There are benches throughout if you’d prefer not to sit on the ground.

Rogue Hall

If you’re the type unable to endure complete silence when studying and could use a beer or two, Rogue Hall is a fun study spot for you. With just enough background noise, wifi and a wide selection of seating, you can get a good study session in.

4th Floor Neuberger Hall Computer Labs

The computer labs located on the 4th floor of Neuberger Hall offer a place for you to type your essay, print study materials and use software from InDesign to Photoshop and more. The only downside is you can’t bring any food or drinks beyond non-spill water bottles into the labs.

Neuberger Hall Atrium

The Atrium on the 3rd floor of Neuberger Hall is a good place to gather with friends or colleagues for a study session. With large tables, chairs, and plenty of room to sit, the Atrium may be the right study space for you.

Fair warning though, the Atrium can be a bit noisy during lunch. For a quieter study session, come after 5 p.m.

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