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President/Vice Presidential Candidates

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Cory Murphy for President

Lindsey Blauer for Vice President

Q. What is your major, year in school, what do you want to do when you graduate (or grow up, whatever comes first)?


As an undergraduate in history, I have enjoyed learning all I can about the past in order to make effective change today and in the future. After graduation, I will work to educate college students on the importance of learning from history and presenting alternatives to building better communities in the future.


As a senior, I have decided upon an arts & letters degree. After graduation, I will attend graduate school for a master’s in English. In the future, I hope to teach high school literature and English.

Q. Why did you choose your running mate?


I chose Lindsey because I trust her completely and, above all else, she is one of my best friends. Having known her has been one of my most rewarding experiences at PSU and I would like the student body to know her great qualities as a friend and as vice-president.


I have known Cory for a year and he has remained one of the people whom I respect the most. His commitment to the wellbeing of his fellow students through ASPSU and as a friend, made me excited to serve the student body as ASPSU Vice-President.

Q. If elected, what are the major campaigns you would continue or begin to improve student life at Portland State?

Cory & Lindsey and the campaign for Student Life! will work to accomplish the following goals:

1. We will bring together the student body by building community and work to erase the “commuter campus” stereotype.

2. We will create change and social opportunities through activities, direct action and engaging the student body and the administration.

3. We will foster service and philanthropy to the campus and city community; letting ‘knowledge serve the city’.

4. We will maintain and increase diversity by building a true coalition student government representing the ENTIRE student body.

Q. What prior experience do you have in student government or otherwise that you feel prepares you to lead the student body of Portland State?


As a senator for ASPSU, I have worked tirelessly to represent all sectors of the campus, not just my friends. During this past year, I have introduced legislation to make the work of the senate more effective and make student government more accountable to students. I have also advocated on behalf of everyday students on the General Student Affairs Committee, the Smith Center Advisory Board and the Drug and Alcohol Policy Committee. I believe in giving back to PSU and as student body president, I will remember who elected me and put the needs of my fellow students first.


Having observed many senate meetings, I look forward to bringing in a fresh perspective as an average Portland State student. One thing I have noticed is that the senate seems far removed from the everyday issues we, as students, face. Cory and I want you to be confident that the senate is doing business on your behalf to make Portland State a better university in which to learn and live.

Q. What do you see as the most important aspect of the position you are applying for?


Leadership is key to being student body president. I will work hard to represent our issues to the administration and bring real change to this campus. Everyone says that the time to do something about Portland State is right now and I am willing to give 110 percent to make this university the best place for Oregon students to experience college. I will be fair and open-minded and will create a professional student government that will solve problems and not be used as a platform for personal agendas.


Working with coalitions and building community is key to being a good ASPSU Vice-President. When people come to us to find solutions, we will listen openly and give everyone the same consideration – no matter who they are. I also want to make sure that the senate keeps open communication with the entire student body.

Q. This year, several senators were dismissed because they did not fulfill their senatorial obligations. How will you work to ensure that senators are held accountable for their actions or lack thereof?

It is unfortunate that so many senators were removed from office due to their own negligence. We have made a firm commitment to give as much time and energy to leading the next student government. If elected, we plan to thoroughly educate the new student government on their obligations to the students who elected them. We worked toward this goal before this election by recruiting qualified, caring students to run for next year’s senate. We believe that seeking responsible individuals for your consideration in the upcoming election is the best way to ensure that student government will do its job.

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