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Summer commencement this weekend

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Under the tree-lined Park Blocks, hundreds of Portland State University students will participate at this summer’s commencement ceremony on Saturday, Aug. 17. There are 442 students registered to walk this weekend.

The commencement is held outdoors in the Park Blocks between Smith Memorial Center and the Simon Benson House.

According to Josh Tabor, the commencement coordinator, this commencement will be a very basic ceremony.

“It’s one of our favorites,” Tabor said.

Unlike the spring commencement, this ceremony is informal. Only doctoral degree recipients traditionally wear cap and gown.

The ceremony is to honor those students graduating who finished their studies in the summer.

According to Tabor, President Daniel Bernstine and Provost Mary Kay Tetrault will speak briefly at the event. Following their speeches students will be called to receive their diplomas.

The ceremony begins at 11 a.m. and lasts about an hour.

If it does happen to rain, the ceremony will be moved to the gym in the Stott Center.

This ceremony is also unique because tickets are not necessary for family or friends. However, it is important to note that seating is limited.

Parking is available in Parking Structure One for a fee of $3.

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