When I was in the seventh grade, I felt alone and different. I was constantly worried about my surroundings even when I was perfectly safe. I visited my doctor and…
Blood clots and anxiety: a lesson in self-awareness
In December 2018, I was in a bus accident. Tossed around the interior of the bus after it hit a cow, I ended up getting knocked out for a moment…
Meddling Medication
Despite the supposed benefits of medication, antidepressants cause serious sexual side effects that have made them frustrating to use, and big pharma companies need to address this. One of the…
Horror Therapy
To calm down the looming presence of anxiety, losing yourself in a film is at the top of the list. Unlikely as it seems, horror movies and a few of…
In support of ‘fake’ service animals
Having faced common questions and accusations and after jumping through ridiculous hoops in order to obtain the coveted Emotional Service Animal letter myself, here’s why I fully support gaming the…
Anxiety, meet magic
From time to time, everyone experiences increased heart rate, racing thoughts and an anxious stomach. It’s a primitive part of our brain working in overdrive, with some stimuli in the…