In this episode we take a look at Urban Greenspaces and how they interact with wellbeing to promote a healthier lifestyle.
Archicheture Episode 4: Sustainability Part 2 – Materiality
This week we are joined by licensed architect Conor Austin Jesse Sass, from YBA Architects. We discuss materials and how you can use them sustainably in architecture.
Archichechure Episode #3
Urban sustainability practices can directly impact the strategic approach that Architects, Urban Planners, and governmental agencies take to ensure that buildings evolve with their communities. What is…
Archichechure Ep. 2: Low Income Housing
In our second episode Owen Demetre, Zane Ross, and Felipe Flores talk about recessions within the US and how it affects demands for Low Income Housing and what an architect’s…
Archichechure Episode #1: PSU’s Influence on Urbanism
In this premiere episode co-hosts Jacob A. Armstrong, Felipe Flores, and Zane Ross discuss and compare Portland State University’s Cramer Hall to the recently renovated Karl Miller Center. Discussion…