It’s January, and that means it’s hard to escape reminders of the extra sweets and treats we consumed over the holidays. From gyms trying to sell us memberships to fad…
The only rule is veggies
Even if you grew up in a household that loved to cook, by the time you end up with a tiny closet kitchen of your own, chances are your parents…
Exercise your ears
Exercising can be a drag at times, but when you have earbuds and a good book or some nice music beating against your eardrums, it makes the workout a little…
The magic of exploring Portland on foot
Walking in Portland has its ups and downs. Just last week, I was wandering toward Powell’s Bookstore on West Burnside and found myself the victim of one of the countless…
How to beat the winter blues
Many Oregonians tend to miss the sun throughout the winter months and begin to feel a bit blue as it gets dark early in the day. There’s also a portion…
Five tips to keep your healthy new year’s resolutions
It’s a new year and another chance for us to get it right again. Fitness goals are some of the most popular resolutions, but they are also the most commonly…
Best Portland places to dance your body right
Let’s make one thing clear: “Get fit” is not a synonym for “get thin.” Big bodies in motion are one of humanity’s most beautiful expression forms. The only thing more…
Get fit guide: Flexing your emotional muscles on campus
We all know being a student can be very stressful. In addition to writing essays, spending long hours at school and work, and balancing any kind of life in between, there…
2017 is going to be smooth(ie) sailing
When it comes to making a meal, you’re usually constrained by what is called the “iron triangle.” You get three options: quick, cheap or healthy. Now pick two. That’s it….
Indoor Exercises for Rainy Portland Days
Cold, rainy, windy weather makes it super easy to rationalize why staying inside is better than going out to the gym or for a walk or run. But if you…