As the 2024 Associated Students of Portland State University (ASPSU) elections inch closer to voting time, three candidate duos remain in the presidential and vice presidential race. The president…
PSU community members demand divestment from Boeing
A group of Portland State students and faculty, alongside members of Democratic Socialists of America and Jewish Voice for Peace, hand-delivered a letter signed by over 1,300 students, faculty and…
Protesters blockade themselves inside the Millar Library
Following a large protest on campus at around 7 p.m. on Monday, April 29, individuals entered and barricaded themselves inside Portland State’s Millar Library. The protesters allege that a window…
Who is the ASPSU Senate?
The Associated Students of Portland State University (ASPSU) is PSU’s student government. ASPSU elections are just around the corner, with the first senator debate on April 30 in Parkway North,…
Kotek signs bills rolling back drug decriminalization
Drug decriminalization finished its short-lived term in Oregon after Governor Tina Kotek signed two bills on Apr. 1. The first reclassifies minor drug possession as a misdemeanor crime while the…
Oregon campaign finance law limits campaign donations
House Bill 4024—a bill to limit campaign donations—passed through the Oregon State House of Representatives and Senate with bipartisan support and sailed right onto the Governor’s desk, where it was…
PSU announces $10 million donation to arts education
A press conference was held at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art at Portland State (JSMA at PSU) on April 2, where PSU announced a $10 million gift from Portland…
Press conference with President Cudd
On March 1, Portland State Vanguard, The Pacific Sentinel, Sub-Basement Studios and KPSU held a press conference with PSU President Ann Cudd. During the conference, Cudd answered questions written by…
Bomb threat at NASCC
Jade Wolfe picked up the phone at 1:51 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 16, with her typical posed entry line as a front desk student employee for the Native American Student…
Campus food carts forced to close
Due to new regulations, food carts near The Branford P. Millar Library and Montgomery Residence Hall must connect to the county sewer system by year-end or leave. The campus administrators…
Limited operating hours for buildings on campus
Just about every student on campus has likely had an instance where they go to scan their card at a facility only to find themselves locked out of it. That…