How often have you been involved in a conversation that you either did not understand at all, had no place participating in or did not care about? Do you know…
Taking online courses can benefit you
Online classes are not that terrible. I remember being worried about taking an online course for the first time in college: My academic advisor definitely did not recommend it, and…
Who’s lying to me now?
If there are two things I’ve been obsessed with for the past couple of months, they’ve included following the news and watching The Walking Dead. While both pastimes are fun…
Tripping on Drumpf
Wanting to Resist writes: For those of us opposed to a Trump presidency, and for those of us who fear important Supreme Court cases will be overturned and that the…
Divide and Automate
As a species, we are poised at the brink of a transformation unlike any before. The ancestor of this coming metamorphosis was not political or philosophical in nature; it did…
Finding hope and safety on our Sanctuary campus
Everything feels different now. I’m not sure how to clearly define it, but everything is most certainly different. Our fundamental values have been shaken enough to cause many of us…
What the holiday is like for students staying on campus
We’ve almost made it through fall term! By the end of this week, final papers and exams will be finished. Time to head home for annual holiday celebrations. However, not…
Gentrification: friend or foe?
I freaking love Portland. I love the access to amazing theater, diverse music, and a cross-section of arts. I love the availability of everything I could ever want or need….
Organize your time or waste it
“Busy people get things done.” According to the preeminent authority on procrastination, Timothy A. Pychyl, Ph.D. of Canada’s Carleton University, procrastination is an avoidable part of life if students can…
2016: The year in review
While perusing my Facebook newsfeed these past few days, taking in the reactions to recent events, one status in particular stood out from rest. It focused on the attention journalists…
An autopsy of planet Earth: a reply
In an article published by the Vanguard on Oct. 31, 2016, writer John Larson addresses one of the most crucial issues the world is currently facing: climate change. Larson argues…