Students gathered on October 19 to call on PSU to cut ties with Boeing given their problematic connection to U.S. involvement in international conflicts. Cameron Rodriguez/ PSU Vanguard

Portland’s mutual relationship with a war profiteer

A growing wave of student resistance against administration actions mirrors broader protests exposing United States military involvement. This involvement is not without profiting, benefiting both those seizing power and those…

Student media is being adversely affected by a backlog of unprocessed contracts. This issue has resulted in staff burnout and has even led to some members quitting. Credit: Alberto Alonso Pujazon Bogani/PSU Vanguard

PSU does not care about student leaders

Student media is holding on by a thread as processing times for contracts lengthen, and the Portland State administration has ignored this longstanding and growing problem.   Students hoping to…

The SALP office is home base for most student-led organizations, many of whom are underfunded and understaffed, which leads to significant issues in the student organizations that add value to PSU's landscape.

PSU needs to reassess its priorities

Academic institutions like Portland State need to reassess their priorities if they want to continue claiming that they put their students first. Universities must compensate student organizations which actively work…

Holding ourselves accountable

In the past, Portland State Vanguard ran a column called “Crime Blotter,” which published reports of alleged criminal activity on campus. This column went against Vanguard’s values, so the editorial…