You do you, boo

I hate guilty pleasures. Not the concept itself, but the way we talk about it. The words “guilty” and “pleasure” are straight forward enough, but what I don’t understand is…


By now, I’m sure you’re all familiar with #OscarsSoWhite, the controversial Twitter hashtag that criticized and highlighted a prominent absence of diversity at film’s most prestigious award show. The hashtag…

The Dollar Awakens

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” will go down in history as one of the biggest movies of all time, having grossed over $1.7 billion since its release last month. As…

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I don’t like movies

I don’t like movies. That simple fact seems to shock my friends and colleagues to no end, but it’s true: I’m just not a very big fan of movies. That’s…

What’s in a name?

Michael Derrick Hudson is an American poet from Fort Wayne, Indiana. Hudson’s poems have been published in several journals and literary magazines, including The Georgia Review, Washington Square and Fugue. Five…

What makes a story last?

How do certain stories—recently the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Game of Thrones series—attract the attention of so many fans? Why these stories, but not others? Listening to and reciting…

Let’s talk about genre

When Kazuo Ishiguro’s latest novel The Buried Giant was released, it sparked a heated debate about the borders between fantasy and literary fiction and the importance of genre. Although it was…