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This Week Around the World – Sept. 23–29

Sept. 23 Nairobi, Kenya: The collapse of the two-story Precious Talent Top School resulted in the death of seven children and injured 64 others. “I had just dropped my son to school and heard screams on my way back,” said Margaret Muthoni, whose 4-year-old son was injured in the collapse, in an interview with BBC. “I am just lucky my son survived.” School director Moses Ndirangu blamed the construction of a nearby sewage drain for the collapse, claiming it weakened the school’s foundation structures. According to BBC, the school has over 800 students under the age of 14. 

Sept. 24 Al-Dhalea, Yemen: An air-strike, which is currently being blamed on the Saudi-backed coalition in Yemen, killed 16 people, including seven children, while injuring nine others. The attack came four days after Houthi-rebels agreed to stop missile strikes on Saudi Arabia if the coalition agreed to do the same. Reuters reported Abbas Mouvasi, an Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, called the coalition’s attacks “war crimes,” and Houthi-rebels condemned the coalition for the “continued aggression” despite attempts to create a peaceful solution between the two groups. 

Sept. 24 Punjab, Kashmir: A 5.8 magnitude earthquake centered in Pakistan-administered Kashmir killed at least 37 people and injured over 500 others. The earthquake caused cracks in roads that are several feet deep, according to The Independent. It also overturned dozens of cars and buses that were driving at the time of the earthquake. Experts reported the epicenter of the earthquake was near Jehlum, but most of the damage is near Mirpur. “Our whole concentration right now is to accelerate the rescue operation,” said Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir Raja Farooq Haider, according to The Independent. “There are people who are stuck there and who need immediate help. We are putting in all our resources to get people the best of our help.” 

Sept. 27 Port-au-Prince, Haiti: The most recent protest after months of demonstrations against Haiti’s food shortages, failing economy and political corruption allegations was reportedly the most violent, according to Al Jazeera. Angry protest crowds raided banks and stores in the country’s wealthier regions of Delmas and Petion Ville while others blocked roads in the capital city.

 “We did not want the police to come out of their base, because this is a unit that fired real bullets at the people, that uses tear gas grenades when all people want is to be respected,” protester Steven Edgard told Al Jazeera. “Now people are taking whatever they can to make their houses better because they are tired of getting soaked when it rains.” 

Reuters reported four people were killed during demonstrations between Sept. 16–25. 

Sept. 29 Moscow, Russia: Over 20,000 people took to the streets of Moscow during a protest calling for the release of the remaining political prisoners who were arrested in July. While the majority of the 1,000 political prisoners who were arrested for demonstrating with opposition figures have been released or had the charges against them dropped, 17 remain in custody or under investigation. Protesters are demanding the remaining 17 be released immediately. “No one can get a fair hearing in Russian courts,” opposition politician Lyubov Sobol said in a speech during the protest, according to The Independent. “Injustice and lawlessness can happen to anyone now.”

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