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There is something about Alan Cumming. I can’t put my finger on it, but I am strangely attracted to him. Maybe it is his sometimes-sinister look or the fact that he always plays slightly scary men or possibly I have some issues to work out. Either way he has made a career out of playing the weird guy and does it well. He’s a very good actor who has recently been starring as the Emcee in the musical “Cabaret” on Broadway with Jennifer Jason Leigh.

Spy KidsCumming plays the bumbling evil Fegan Floop. He is a children’s television host who creates “Spy Kids” to do evil deeds. This movie is a lot of fun and not at all cheesy like most kids’ movies.

Antonio Banderas and Carlo Gugino play mother and father spies who are captured by Fegan Floop and must be saved by their children. The effects in this film are great and the gadgets look cool even to an adult. I would highly recommend renting this movie if you want to sees some cool special effects and especially if you want to see my sweetie Alan.

Romy and Michele’s High School ReunionThis movie is a double whammy for me because not only is Alan Cumming in it but my same sex crush, Janeane Garofalo is too. If only his movie didn’t have the burden of Lisa Kudrow and Lira Sorvino it would be perfect but as it is it’s somewhat amusing. The whole movie is worth sitting through just for the opportunity to see my two favorite people doing anything, funny or not. I wouldn’t recommend this movie if you don’t share the passionate feelings that I have for Alan and Janeane.

Circle of FriendsAlan Cumming is so creepy!!! When I saw this movie it was the first time I was exposed to him and I was alternately attracted and repulsed. He plays the smarmy Sean Walsh who pines after Minnie Driver and robs her father blind. It is some of his best work. If only I could have someone as strange as Sean/Alan in love with me, my life would be complete. As is I have no weirdo like Alan Cumming in my life. I will have to settle for the celluloid version.

Go out and rent all the Alan Cumming films you can get your hands on, and you too may fall in love with him in all his bizarre glory.

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