Welcome to the Green Guide 2016

It might be easier being green than Kermit the Frog has led you to believe.

This week, it’s almost hard not being green, as we approach two very green holidays: 4/20, the unofficial holiday for all things MaryJane, and the more official (albeit probably less celebrated) Earth Day on April 22.

In the following pages, the Vanguard brings you its second installment of the dual-Green Guide, with a host of articles highlighting the OG Green—weed—and the New Green, which encompasses sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.

Read on and you’ll learn what it’s like to be a stoner who doesn’t fit the Girl Scout Cookie-cutter stereotype of a pothead, what Portland’s legal weed means for you as a PSU student and how to get a bunch of free (or very cheap) upcycled stuff right here on campus.

Green as it ever was, welcome to the Vanguard‘s Green Guide 2016.

Table of Contents:
PSU Weed Policy high-down
Weed like you to meet these trailblazers
Top 5 PDX Dispensaries
Weed around the world
The state of campus green space
Trash at PSU
What’s the deal with Saffron Colonial?
How to get free stuff at PSU
PSU Earth Day events