Say yes to sex

Despite growing up in Utah, a state structured around the LDS religion, I never held the same conservative values regarding sex and marriage as others in my community. In the…

Summer clothes and sexuality

I was never sure if it was the conservative LDS values or the old-fashioned ideas of modesty that played a bigger part in creating my high school’s dress code, but…

The hippie generation is now

I grew up listening to my parents talk about “the good ol’ days.” My dad grew up among hippies, and my mom, who was born just shortly after the baby…

What if Donald Trump was Donna Trump?

This election campaign has already been a nasty one. It has undoubtedly ignited a fire and inspired a revolution among younger generations, but it has also quickly exposed the sexist…

Move to Portland!

I first decided to move to Portland in search of something I’d never had before. It was almost as if I was effortlessly drawn to all the unique and interesting…

Keep ‘Looking for Alaska’ in the library

The American Library Association for Intellectual Freedom released its list of “Most Challenged Books of 2015” after compiling reports from schools and libraries across the country. The list is released…

The War on Drugs isn’t working

The War on Drugs has failed us. In fact, it has left us completely broken. After social upheaval and political rebellion erupted in the ’60s, drugs became the symbol of…

It’s time to feel the Bern

I’ve always been interested in politics. I remember very few of my classmates or friends showing even the slightest interest about the presidential election. “Politics are boring,” we would all…

ISIS, Muslim and Islam are not the same thing

Lately, there has been a lot of hatred toward Muslims, but nobody wants to claim responsibility for the bigoted behavior, discrimination or acts of hatred being carried out against them….

Give Molly a second chance

Molly has given herself quite a reputation. And it isn’t a good one, either. She’s known for her late nights out at clubs and raves, her close relationship with trap…