As summer nears its end (if the weather ever gets on board) and the new term approaches, I’ve found myself more and more homesick. I miss the summer storms of…
Off-campus events calendar: Sept. 5–11
FEATURED EVENT CONVENTION Rose City Comic Con Sept. 8–10 Oregon Convention Center $5–350, all ages Celebrate comic book, animé and pop culture with three days of unique vendors, costume events,…
On-campus events calendar: Sept. 5–11
FEATURED EVENT FILM La La Land (2016) Friday, Sept. 8, 6:30 p.m. Director Park Free, all ages The visual love letter to Golden Era Hollywood musicals, a.k.a. the other film…
Celebrities need to stop enabling abusers and so do we
Trigger warning: this article contains mentions of child sexual abuse, rape and domestic abuse Variety Media recently reported Woody Allen’s latest film will star Selena Gomez and Elle Fanning. Shockingly,…
Summertime reading catch-up: Becky Chambers’ ‘A Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet’
Imagine Firefly. Imagine Firefly but written by a woman. Imagine Firefly but written by a woman with staunch feminist views. Imagine Firefly but written by a woman with staunch feminist…
Off-campus events calendar: Aug. 29–Sept. 4
FEATURED EVENT FESTIVAL Bite of Oregon Sept. 1–4 Rose Quarter $5–42, all ages Enjoy offerings from the menus of scores of Oregonian restaurants representing seven zones of Oregon, including the…
On-campus events calendar: Aug. 29—Sept. 4
FEATURED EVENT FILM Castle in the Sky (1986) Wednesday, Aug. 30, 7 p.m. Regal Fox Tower Theater $12.50, all ages Hayao Miyazaki’s classic animé film about a floating castle–island and…
Solar eclipse of the heart playlist
Total Eclipse of the Black Hole Sun I live for excuses for a Bonnie Tyler song. She is, after all, like a karaoke cheat code, and on Monday, Aug. 21,…
Summertime reading catch-up: Vivian Shaw’s ‘Strange Practice’
Strange Practice is Vivian Shaw’s debut novel. I was excited about the concept of the novel from the beginning, and then I found out she has an undergrad degree in…
Reflection in the wake of totality
After my misty eyes beheld eclipse totality, I am happy to weather the traffic, one homemade porta potty, and the dense-and-poorly-managed makeshift campground disaster all over again. It is worth…
On-campus events calendar: Aug. 22–28
FEATURED EVENT INDIE POP Haley Johnsen, The Domestics Friday, Aug. 25, 8 p.m. The Old Church $15–25, all ages This may be the first public performance by The Domestics since…