When the USA Paralympic team departs for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on Sept. 1 to participate in the 2016 Paralympic Games, Portland State will be there. Eliana Mason, a PSU…
Cult of Orpheus’ underground artistic renaissance
Portland composer Christopher Corbell is fostering a renaissance in the local artistic community. His project, Cult of Orpheus, fuses lyrical sonnets with classical guitar and chamber instruments to create a…
“Adapt” brings dancers together for competition
Additional contributions by Andy Ngo. On August 20, 2016, the Portland State HipHop Alliance, Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon and AMP hosted “Adapt,” an annual dance contest, in Smith…
School of Architecture serves community with mobile opera
Ordering food from a truck may be old hat for many Portlanders. Now, thanks to a collaboration between the Portland Opera and Portland State’s Center for Public Interest Design, you…
Horoscopes for week 7/26-8/1
Leo (July 24–Aug. 22) This is a very special time of year for you, I think (I’m not an astrologist). I don’t really know what I’m talking about, Leo, but…
POV Dance challenges perspectives on movement and space
This week, POV Dance will open its newest, architecturally inspired performance “In My Own Space” at the Body Mechanics studio in Southeast Portland. Based on an athletic style of modern…
Perseverance pays for aspiring student author
Ancient Chinese strategist Sun Tzu famously said, “Opportunities multiply as they are seized.” One Portland State English major is proving the axiom true with her tenacious pursuit of success as…
Summer daytrip on the cheap
It’s summertime and the livin’s easy, except you’re a college student and have little to no money to enjoy it. Chin up, campers, because opportunities abound that are free or…
Horoscopes for the week of 7/19-7/25
Cancer (June 21–July 22) You are hopeless Cancer…hopelessly devoted to your boo thang, Sandra Dee. Your goal for this week is to pull the opposite of an Olivia Newton and…
Jewish Studies program launches artistic residency for fall
The Jewish Studies program is launching a new residency that will bring a visiting artist to campus for a full term to teach an undergraduate course. This fall, that position…
‘Milk Men’ examines Pacific Northwest dairy farming without the caricature
When most of us think about dairy farms, we are often presented with two competing images: the idyllic, peaceful countryside with roaming cows, and the industrial, inhumane operation known as…