Waste in the United States rises 25 percent between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. That’s about one million extra tons of garbage per week—or put in other terms, approximately 240 million…
Merry Sol Invictus
The holiday season is upon us, but there are other important religious dates and festivities aside from Christmas that take place during this time of the year: one being winter…
Fire lookout towers
If Oregon is known for anything, it’s for featuring some of the most sought-after outdoor areas in the country, if not the world. However, when winter rears its mean, soggy…
Embrace Black Friday
What’s the easiest way to save money as a college student? Simple, don’t spend it in the first place. I know what you’re thinking: “Thanks Warren Buffett, but what’s to…
Black Friday, Cyber Monday and the future of consumerism
The holiday season retailers are counting on shoppers to take department stores by storm on Black Friday and scour the internet for deals on Cyber Monday. Shoppers in the United…
Is Portland ready?
As winter looms, it’s hard to forget the infamous Portland Snowpocalypse of 2016, when on Dec.16 a snowstorm hit the Portland metro area overnight, producing three inches by morning. People…
Winter in the Holy Land
More than 20 Portland State student leaders from diverse backgrounds will leave this winter break to explore Israel and the Palestinian territories under the guidance of the Jewish student leadership…
Best beer at this time of year
Oktoberfest is perhaps the premier autumn festival and, for Munich, the largest volksfest in the world where naturally Germany’s, and specifically Bavaria’s best is celebrated. German beers overwhelmingly represent the…
Meet PSU: international and multicultural student groups on campus
At Portland State, the Student Activities and Leadership Program, or SALP, is designed to enrich experiences and provide students with the opportunity to integrate their learning while building leadership skills,…
Meet Portland State
Lina Gomaa Senior Arabic Instructor II World Languages and Literatures Though originally from Egypt’s capital city of Cairo, Lina Gomaa obtained a Bachelor of Arts in creative writing with a…
Meet Portland State
Christopher Broderick Associate vice president for communications and marketing, university communications Christopher Broderick is the associate vice president for communications and marketing, overseeing a staff of 20 who work in…