You can’t rock down to Electric Avenue

Portland State’s Electric Avenue, a block-long strip of free charging stations for electric vehicles, has been disassembled to make way for a new School of Business Administration building. The charging…

15 soon

A ballot measure that would create the nation’s first statewide $15 minimum wage has just hit a milestone on its path to the November 2016 ballot. According to a June…

Three More Years of Wim-ter

After almost a year of deliberation and discussion, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously on June 11 to update President Wim Wiewel’s contract. Wiewel signed the contract after the meeting…

A-pot-calypse Now!

Oregonians voted in November 2014 to legalize recreational marijuana, and the time has come for the Grim Reefer to slink out of the shadows and into the light. Recreational weed in…

Time for a tune-up

The stress of finals week has taken its toll on the student body at Portland State. Now with summer in the air, it’s time to start thinking about physical tune-ups….