‘Portland Review’ in flux

The Portland Review, Portland State’s 59-year-old student-run literary journal, lost its entire staff to turnover this summer. (Full disclosure: the author of this article was a volunteer reader for the…

PSU hosts summer blood drive

Portland State and the American Red Cross are teaming up again for the third of four annual campus blood drives this week. From Monday, July 27 to Thursday, July 30,…

Pooooooool party!

Who doesn’t love swimming at high noon during the dog days of summer? It’s hot and sunny, and there’s little solace found in the air conditioning-bereft rentals lining the streets…

15 soon

A ballot measure that would create the nation’s first statewide $15 minimum wage has just hit a milestone on its path to the November 2016 ballot. According to a June…

Three More Years of Wim-ter

After almost a year of deliberation and discussion, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously on June 11 to update President Wim Wiewel’s contract. Wiewel signed the contract after the meeting…