Bad seed? Good seed?

About 400 people of all ages joined this year’s March Against Monsanto on May 23, themed “Food for Justice,” in Downtown Portland. The movement took place in 38 countries and…

Finding common ground

There are roughly 2,100 teaching and non-teaching faculty employed by Portland State: adjunct instructors, senior instructors, associate professors, assistant professors, researchers, librarians, attorneys, advisers, tenure track, non-tenure track, temporary and…

A stable financial future

The Portland State Financial Futures Task Force has adopted a new budget model, Performance Based Budgeting, to support academic missions and align expenditures with institutional strategic priorities. Previously, PSU managed…

It was the best of steins

Oregon brewing mainstay Rogue Ales will celebrate its newest specialty brew, dubbed Rogue Viktory Ale, with a release party entitled “The Dare, Risk, Dream Graduation Party,” held at Rogue Hall…