Senate candidates debate

Of the 12 candidates running for Senate, 8 were able to participate in the April 9 Associated Students of Portland State University senate candidate debate: Liddy Champion, Lucero Cortez, Monty Herron, Shanae…

SFC candidates debate

The Associated Students of Portland State hosted the Student Fee Committee debate On April 8, 2015, where candidates responded to questions posed by the audience and a Student Media panel. Current…

Students for Affordable Education responds

Dr. Khalid Alballaa and Linda Hoppes, of the Students for Affordable Education slate, were unable to attend the Associated Students of Portland State University executive debate. The Vanguard asked them…

ASPSU Elections Guide 2015

The polls for the Associated Students of Portland State University election opened on April 13. Polls close April 23. Elections are scheduled to be announced at 2 p.m. on April…

180 seconds to win

Portland State’s second annual Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT) registration closes April 10. The competition is an opportunity for graduate students to share their research with the public, win cash…

Graffiti costs add up

Graffiti cover-up and repairs costs Portland State thousands of dollars per year. Aside from painting over graffiti, maintenance staff also patch walls and repair damaged areas on campus. Labor adds…