PSU announces all commencement ceremonies will be held remotely
COVID-19 pushes courses online
Spring term will be taught remotely to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus
Hill To Hall March 10–13
March 10: Governor Brown takes executive action on climate change Oregon Governor Kate Brown signed an executive order on March 10 intended to curb greenhouse emissions in the state, according…
SMSU hits crossroads
A change in policy could decide if building remains public
Portland State Aerospace Society competes in collegiate space race
Three current projects at Portland State Aerospace Society (PSAS) funnel into one ambitious goal: building a liquid fuel rocket capable of soaring to the edge of space—100 kilometers above Earth’s…
Spring term to be taught remotely
The latest in PSU’s response to the COVID-19 virus
The next phase in campus safety
Four student safety ambassadors have completed training and now tour campus.
‘Boghossian Explosion’ hits Smith
Freethinkers of PSU, Peter Boghossian hold student ‘Reverse Q&A’ on social justice
Gibson steps down, Leslie-Christy steps up
ASPSU president resigns citing stress, lack of support, structural issues
Hill to Hall March 3–5
March 3: Governor Brown prepares for coronavirus management in Oregon Oregon Governor Kate Brown spoke with Vice President Mike Pence on what Oregon is doing to combat the recent…
Veteran’s Resource Center gets new director
Walter Ghant, the new Veteran’s Resource Center director at Portland State, wants to bring fresh ideas and inclusivity to the VRC. A United States Air Force veteran and self-described…