May 21 Democratic Republic of Congo: The World Health Organization launched a vaccination program amid the growing worries surrounding the Ebola outbreak in the DRC. Over 7,500 doses of the…
Too sick for school: PSU student forcibly sedated and hospitalized claims retaliation, intimidation by university
Editor’s note: The student in this story uses singular they/them/theirs gender pronouns. At 12:05 p.m. on Friday, March 9, Portland State student Ullahushi Lovsness, 23, woke up to a loud…
PSU student found unconscious and injured in California
Portland State student Aaron Salazar is in a coma with multiple injuries after being found unconscious next to a railroad in Truckee, Calif. on May 15. Salazar, 22, was travelling…
Hit and run on campus
Two eyewitnesses said three females were injured in an apparent hit-and-run on Portland State campus at the corner of SW 6th Ave. and SW Montgomery St. Friday, May 25. The…
#metoo gains support in Japan
The #metoo movement takes on Japan’s media as female journalists begin to come forward. The #metoo movement in Japan has garnered international attention after a high-ranking finance ministry official stepped…
PSU co-ops higher education
Since Portland State President Rahmat Shoureshi began his relationship with the university as a candidate in winter 2017, he has promoted the idea of a cooperative education system that would…
This Week Around the World: May 13–20
May 13, Surabaya, Indonesia: A family of six carried out suicide bombings of three churches in the second largest Indonesian city, killing seven civilians and injuring 40. The family divided…
Hill to Hall May 14–20
May 14: Gladstone Burgerville votes to unionize One month after a southeast Portland Burgerville voted to establish the Burgerville Worker’s Union—one of the only federally-recognized fast food unions in the…
As Portland’s economic growth slows, Oregon struggles to address food insecurity
An April 2018 economic forecast report published by Portland State’s Northwest Economic Research Center shows for the first time in nine years, the overall rate of economic growth in the…
Evicting the peace process
Since President Donald Trump announced he would move the United States Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which he formally recognized as Israel’s capital last year, thousands of…
Kate Brown talks PSU issues with student voters
Oregon Governor Kate Brown, who is seeking re-election this year, met with members of the Associated Students of Portland State University and the Oregon Student Association on Tuesday, May 15…