Hill to Hall: Dec. 11–15

Dec. 11: Killed and imprisoned journalists named Person of the Year 2018 TIME has named a group of journalists targeted for their work as its person of the year for…

Hill to Hall, Nov. 6–10

Nov. 6: Midterm elections conclude in Oregon Gov. Kate Brown was re-elected to the governor’s office at the close of 2018 midterm elections in what the Associated Press called the…

Hill to Hall: Sept. 23–29

Sept. 23: Regulators cancel license of cannabis farm linked to explosion The Oregon Liquor Control Commission announced its decision to cancel the recreational marijuana producer license of a central Oregon…

Hill to Hall Sept. 4–8

Sept. 4: Cities can’t prosecute people for sleeping on streets, federal court rules The 9th United States District Court of Appeals has ruled that cities cannot prosecute people sleeping on…

Hill to Hall, Aug. 21–27

Aug. 21: Senator calls for Wheeler’s resignation over Occupy ICE PDX Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., on Tuesday introduced a resolution in response to the Occupy ICE protests that broke out…