After an impasse in Congress over Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, the federal government shut down on Friday, Jan. 19. With no compromise reached…
Reclaim MLK Freedom and Unity March (Photo Gallery)
Click on the images above to view. Members of the greater Portland community gathered Monday Jan. 15 at Peninsula Park Community Center for the fourth annual Reclaim MLK Freedom and…
Senator Merkley talks ‘Divider-in-Chief’ at town hall
Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley addressed Multnomah County residents at Parkrose High School on Jan. 15 during a town hall meeting to discuss Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, controversies involving President…
Concordia University approves QSA charter
Concordia University-Portland announced on Friday its administration agreed to recognize the Queer Straight Alliance as an official student group. An open letter posted today writes, “As a Christian university, in…
Graduate School of Education awarded diversity grant
Portland State’s Graduate School of Education announced on Jan. 10 that it was awarded $113,000 from the Meyer Memorial Trust to fund an initiative to increase the number of school…
Where, oh where, will my money go?
Portland State Student Fee Committee met Dec. 6 and Jan. 3 to finalize deliberations on its recommended budget allocation for Fiscal year 2019, beginning July 1, 2018. Each term, PSU…
Concordia University Queer Straight Alliance grieves during final meeting
After fighting for equal treatment of the queer and trans community on campus, two Concordia University Portland students, Amber Reeves and Ernesto “E” Dominguez, hosted CUP’s final Queer-Straight Alliance meeting…
Hill to Hall Jan. 9-15
‘Shithole’ comment sparks backlash President Donald Trump allegedly asked bipartisan congressional leaders in a closed-door meeting on Thursday “why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”…
‘Shut down Guantanamo’ vigil gathers at Pioneer Square
Local activists and high school students gathered on the evening of Jan. 11 for a “Shut down Guantanamo vigil” in downtown Portland to demonstrate solidarity with current detainees and bring…
Winter term kicks off with classroom trailers
Neuberger Hall officially closed for its $70 million renovation, which means Portland State classrooms, departments, financial aid services and admissions offices previously housed in Neuberger have been relocated to pods,…
PSU awarded $1 million to increase diversity in computer science
The National Science Foundation has awarded Portland State Associate Dean of Engineering and Computer Science James Hook and his collaborators $1 million to train high school teachers how to diversify…