The post-pandemic era reveals a concerning 21% illiteracy rate, coupled with an unprecedented surge in banned books in certain states. This raises significant doubts about the future of our education system and the cultivation of critical thinking skills. Alberto Alonso Pujazon Bogani/PSU Vanguard.

Navigating banned books and gun violence

When envisioning a conducive learning environment for our children, one hopes to find a safe environment for productive and comprehensive learning. However, with the rise in gun violence in schools,…

When trash builds up on the sides of the road like this in Portland, the houseless are often blamed when in fact, the dumping is more often due to housed people and a failing sanitation system, made worse by the pandemic. Kat Leon/PSU Vanguard

The trash is out of control in PDX

You see it daily in Portland—trash piling up on the streets and litter covering sidewalks.   The easiest people to blame for all this litter are houseless people. Yet, are…