Support In the wake of the tragic school shooting on Feb. 14 in Parkdale, Fla., Vanguard wants to remind readers to seek help during times of trouble and distress. Talk…
I am Muslim.
Submitted by Sofia Nasaret Velasquez, Portland State student I am Muslim. This is very apparent because I wear a piece of cloth around my head that says so. Riding TriMet…
Relationship anarchy: a feminist twist on relationships
It’s comforting and reassuring to have labels and categorize yourself. Thousands of online quizzes can tell you everything from what your exact personality type is to what your specific sexuality…
How slavery is taught and why it’s a problem
As consumers of polarized media, we are increasingly aware of the need to fact check everything—even textbooks. What we know about history from a young age shapes how we perceive…
Join the Fight for Birth Control
Submitted by Ty Bennett PSU student This week is National Condom Week, and young people on college campuses across the country are distributing condoms, educating our peers on how to talk…
It’s okay to talk about abortion
Submitted by Missy Hannen, PSU student and Portland State Vanguard Copy Chief Depression, PTSD, suicidal tendencies, addiction, domestic abuse, death: My traumas are things I can talk about with people. These aren’t…
Tips for a healthy breakup
Navigating a breakup in a healthy way is challenging, especially if partners have been together for a long time. When complications like combined bank accounts or shared belongings are thrown…
Booty Call Etiquette Guide
Whether you’re seeking a long-term partner, friend with benefits or booty call, dating and hookup apps have permanently changed the way Americans date. There’s an app for every sexual orientation…
Explicit Communication in the age of #MeToo
#MeToo has some men nervous about how they behave around women, and they should be. These movements exist to hold perps accountable for being pervs and to show solidarity through…
Sex-positive venues in Portland
When you hear “kinkiest city in America,” what city comes to mind? Maybe Las Vegas, the famed city of sin, or New York, the city that never sleeps? They have…
Transcending toxic masculinity
Toxic masculinity is a term often used to describe Western understandings of manhood that are ultimately harmful to men and society at large, including the pursuit of status, exertion of…