The grace of replays in the age of Trump

Following a sports team and the passion that comes with this dedication is a curious phenomenon of intangibles. For one, you see athletes performing tasks and accomplishing a seemingly impossible…

Cops need to stop killing people

Lethal and excessive force weakens community trust Police keep killing people they shouldn’t, from 12-year-old Tamir Rice to 43-year-old father of six Eric Garner. Cops keep being scared and accidentally…

Ask Jessandra

Dear Jessandra, I know I should quit smoking cigarettes, but I don’t actually want to. How can I convince myself and others that my vice isn’t that bad and I…

Silent victories from the outside

It is curious that one of the most widely discussed athletes, one whose actions speak louder than all others, is himself a comparatively silent individual. Colin Kaepernick—the former NFL player…

Love for the black bloc

A banana is a fruit, but a fruit is not necessarily a banana. Likewise, those in the black bloc are anti-fascists, but anti-fascists—antifa—are not necessarily black bloc. Woody Guthrie, George…