In southeast Oregon, military drills use chaff at possible detriment to the environment. Moreover, as out-of-control wildfires threaten Oregon, the Department of Forestry discovered a military flare remnant at fire site. Courtesy of Friends of the Owyhee.

Air Force releases aluminum-coated glass fibers over Oregon

In Oregon’s Owyhee Canyonlands, where the air is crisp and the land echoes with the whispers of the Oregon wilderness, a new and different kind of thunder rumbles. When F-15…

Dr. Kathi Inman Berens, Dr. Brianne Suldovsky and Dr. Ameeta Agrawal using the image-generating AI tool Midjourny on May 13 (2023). Courtesy of Compassionate Computing (CoCo) lab

My journey at the Ideathon: The power of interdisciplinary science events 

Science can sometimes feel inaccessible, but considering its importance in our lives, it is logical that we strive to improve its accessibility. Science events serve as a means to bridge…