Alley Henrici/PSU Vanguard

On looking closer

40 minutes out of Portland lies the tallest waterfall in Oregon—Multnomah Falls. On April 14, three Portland State Vanguard editors and friends ventured out to hike to the top. While puts this trail as 2.4 miles, the way up consists of at least 11 steep switchbacks—an elevation gain of 870 ft. It’s probably best to skip the hike to the overlook if one is afraid of heights.


While on the trek, we took frequent breaks to allow everyone to catch their breath. As we each monitored our own bodies, people decided to stop or called for more frequent breaks. While many people feel embarrassed to ask a group to stop, it allows us all to take a look at the nature around us. Life is the same. We aren’t in a race to the top, and we are allowed to enjoy the views and breathe.


I found taking photos was a great way to call for a pause. These photos were all taken either during a group-initiated pause or my own personal one. I want to encourage us all—even on our walks through the streets of downtown—to take a closer look at our surroundings. You never know what you may find.


If you’re interested in visiting Multnomah Falls or other sites along the Columbia River, check out the Columbia Area Transit. It operates most days and can take you out to Hood River, Dog Mountain, Cascade Locks and more depending on the time of year.