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Senatorial Candidate Pollyanne Birge

Senatorial Candidates

Question one: What is your major, year in school? What do you want to do when you graduate (or grow up, whichever comes first)?

Question two: What qualifies you (experience) and what characteristics would you bring to the senate that will make you a vital part of the student senate?

Question three: What do you see as the most important aspect of the position you are applying for?

Pollyanne Birge

1. Next year I will be a senior sociology major. My long-term academic goals include graduate school for a master’s degree and a secondary teaching certificate. I also plan on continuing participating in various feminist organizations and working as a community activist.

2. I am very interested and invested in social inclusiveness. Being a first-generation-returning-woman student, I am able to empathize with concerns or obstacles that many marginalized people/students face. I am also highly organized and find myself most engaged when in a group setting or involved in discussion.

3. That I will be part of the PSU governing body and will be responsible for helping develop the policies and procedures within our campus community.