In response to a letter from activists and faculty criticizing Cudd's handling of calls to sever ties with Boeing, Cudd agreed to temporarily halt seeking or accepting any additional gifts or grants from Boeing. She intends to create a space for debate and dialogue on the matter before deciding further action. Courtesy of KBOO.

PSU community members demand divestment from Boeing

A group of Portland State students and faculty, alongside members of Democratic Socialists of America and Jewish Voice for Peace, hand-delivered a letter signed by over 1,300 students, faculty and…

Students gathered on Oct. 19 to call on PSU to cut ties with Boeing, given the company's connection to U.S. involvement in international conflicts. Cameron Rodriguez/PSU Vanguard

Students protest PSU partnership with Boeing

On Wednesday, Nov. 8, Portland State students and members of organizations—including Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights (SUPER), the Resist United-States-Led War Movement and the Jewish Voice for Peace Portland—gathered…

Students gathered on October 19 to call on PSU to cut ties with Boeing given their problematic connection to U.S. involvement in international conflicts. Cameron Rodriguez/ PSU Vanguard

Portland’s mutual relationship with a war profiteer

A growing wave of student resistance against administration actions mirrors broader protests exposing United States military involvement. This involvement is not without profiting, benefiting both those seizing power and those…

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What is Boeing still doing at PSU?

Back in 2016, the Associated Students of Portland State (ASPSU) passed a resolution calling on PSU to divest from any institutions that profit from human rights violations against Palestinians. In…