Audience members sit in to show support for OBC and other student organizations in the face of potential budget cuts proposed by the Student Fee Committee. Noah Carandanis/PSU Vanguard

Student Fee Committee’s Proposed Budget Cuts Receives Resistance

Protesters filed into Smith Memorial Student Union’s (SMSU) room 296 carrying signs expressing dissatisfaction with the Student Fee Committee’s (SFC) proposed budget cuts. Signs reading “Save our orgs!” and “Where’s…

Have You Heard?

Hey, how have you been? Hopefully, your brief break wasn’t too rough, and if you’re taking the summer off then hopefully your transition into a less academic and more chill…

Hill to Hall April 8–13

April 8: Oregon Senate rejects bill to lower Oregon’s drunk driving limit A bill that would have lowered Oregon’s drunk driving limit from .08% to .05% died in session. Senate…

Less money, more problems

Students and faculty in the midst of looming cuts as state legislators and Portland State administrators struggle to balance competing funding priorities. PSU’s top governmental affairs executive outlined a scenario…