The #metoo movement in Korea

Hundreds of women took to the streets on International Women’s Day March 8 in Seoul’s Gwanghwamun Square carrying signs that read “#metoo #withyou,” and “Feminism Will Save Our Country!” Byeon…

#metoo gains support in Japan

The #metoo movement takes on Japan’s media as female journalists begin to come forward. The #metoo movement in Japan has garnered international attention after a high-ranking finance ministry official stepped…

Take back your body

Individuality and embracing self-expression are important parts of being fulfilled, but when we are governed by society’s expectations and scrutiny, do we really have autonomy over our own bodies? American…

Feminist Frida Fest

On March 8, International Women’s Day, more than 180 members of the Portland State community squeezed into La Casa Latina Student Center to celebrate Mexican painter Frida Kahlo (1907–1954), who…