Community & Wellness Resources

Happening Soon   Inside Biden’s Cuba Policy SMSU 294 Nov. 13, 5:30 p.m. Free for students Cuban journalist and filmmaker Liz Oliva Fernández discusses Belly of the Beast documentaries which…

Hostile architecture, such as these rocks secured with cement, is designed to prevent individuals experiencing houselessness from using the space. However, it also affects everyone's ability to enjoy the green space. Credit: Alberto Alonso Pujazon Bogani/PSU Vanguard

A perspective on hostile architecture

When people hear hostile architecture, some will immediately think of it as an anti-houseless action which creates undesirable spaces for those seeking shelter on the streets. This is too narrow…

The SALP office is home base for most student-led organizations, many of whom are underfunded and understaffed, which leads to significant issues in the student organizations that add value to PSU's landscape.

PSU needs to reassess its priorities

Academic institutions like Portland State need to reassess their priorities if they want to continue claiming that they put their students first. Universities must compensate student organizations which actively work…

Students from all backgrounds came together in order to protest the inhumane treatment of the Palestinian people and call for a ceasefire. Credit: Alberto Alonso Pujazon Bogani/PSU Vanguard

On Taking Sides; Israel-Palestine

This article provides narratives from all sides—from Jews, Israelis and Palestinians. It is a collaborative effort by Portland State Vanguard to convey a fuller, more inclusive portrayal of the reality…